Legends aren’t born. They’re built.
With myth-worthy truths for the modern era—aka, brand strategy, smart messaging, resonant values, and copy engineered to move minds and hearts.
Pass the power back to your people, so they can build momentum for you.
Then…watch your mission magnify.
Signature Service
Brand Strategy that raises every boat
A capable brand strategy is the root of all your success. It’s what turns grant applications into massive funding. It’s what sways donors from twenty bucks to legacy gifts. It’s what makes customers buy whatever your next big idea is. It what makes employees happy, motivated, and even more effective.
This is my most recommended, most powerful service because the results speak for themselves.
Starter Strategy and Add-Ons
Mission and Vision
These two statements can be the most important ones you ever make. Get even your board on board with unstuffy, on-mission options.
Organizational Values
Legends must be lived. Skip inspirational-poster phrases and gain unique, memorable mottos that inspire action, inside the organization and out.
Campaign Concepts
Effective campaigns need a creative hook—and for complex ideas, some careful framing, too. Raise capital, recruit volunteers, or just launch.
“We loved working with Kira.
Kira has a true gift: translating complex organizational and scientific concepts into a clear, crisp narrative.
Before Kira, we had trouble in telling folks our unique story and getting them to invest in our mission. Kira understood the heart of what we do. In turn, she was able to share our heart with others.”
—Gary Tabor
Executive Director, Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Stop starting from scratch.
An incisive strategy gives every project a massive head start—saving the time, stress, and dollars you’d spend without it.
Keep your best people.
Brand strategy helps establish culture, shape policies, and keep us true to ourselves across the board.
Don’t miss deep pockets.
To build the kind of credibility that brings in big donations and dollars, you need the consistency that strategy creates.
Move faster, without sacrifice.
Decisions and consensus land quickly and confidently when the team can refer back to the agreed-upon strategy.
Fewer mistakes, less cleanup.
Good strategy protects you from costly missteps that waste money, erode trust, and make the mission seem murkier.
Secure your legacy.
A well-defined brand makes for a legendary mission that stands out from the competition for years to come.
Investment Packages
Yes, investment. Because it’s so much better to buy strategy once than pay for not having it on every communication project.
These packages are finessed to each client. Larger custom scopes and bulk discounts available.
Starter Strategy
Mission+Vision or Values
Get a taste of how a little strategy can go a long way in transforming your organization and its impact.
90m Discovery Immersion
Board + staff presentation slides
Review + feedback (rarely needed)
Two rounds revisions (rarely needed)
Access to copywriting with me
Signature Service
Essential Brand Strategy
Made for do-gooders without a marketing department or partner, this streamlined strategy gets everyone on the same page.
90m Discovery Immersion
Board + staff presentation slides
Promise, Pillars, Personality
Discount on Mission+Vision or Values
Access to copywriting with me
Signature Service
Advanced Brand Strategy
For non-profits and social good enterprises with complex missions and in-house or contract marketing capabilities.
Everything in the Essential Brand PLUS:
Deeper target audience insights
Deeper strategic insight
Pillar proof points + activation ideas
Ethics or Writing and Language Guide
And for just a little taste…
Targeted One-Hour Consult
What could we do in a one hour meeting of the minds? (Cracks knuckles.) Includes prep, follow up, local gossip, and scads of
hard-won wisdom. Introverts: we can make it an email exchange!
Investment FAQs
Clients who have done some strategy work with me—even small!—have access to my copywriting services when and where it makes sense.
Clients who crave big, bad, bold copy can inquire at my separate writing studio below (scroll down).
Clients without strategy who just need basic, good copy will get more bang for their buck through less experienced copywriters or AI than working with me. -
Yes! There are a few. But first—remember that strategy makes future projects simpler and cheaper. Armed with strategy, even less experienced team members can create higher quality marketing materials. So prepare to reduce some of your budgets on future marketing projects. That said:
The more work you book with me on one contract, the better the value gets. For example: if you know you need website copy, book it with your brand strategy and save overall.
If you’re an agency, consider retaining me for several projects at once ahead of time.
Sometimes, grants cover my work, especially if it’s related to a capital project or programmatic change.
A deposit is required to hold your project. Payment plans can be paid in full at the deposit (often helpful for grants), broken into two or three payments (usually deposit, midpoint, delivery), or set monthly through the lifecycle of the project.
I can steer you! Packages are a starting place that work well for most clients. I finesse each one slightly to suit. In some cases, we may also decide you do need a different approach and a custom scope. Please note custom scopes add time and cost, which may be offset by booking more work at once.
It depends, but always cheaper than they would have been without strategy. Clients who have undergone strategy with me can access custom quotes for launches, websites, copy banks, and more. I can also make you a writing guide so your staff can pitch hit on smaller copy projects.
Nope! A little email or phone call before we work together is on the house. However, if you’d like to dive deeper and start solving problems, let’s do a Targeted One Hour Consult instead.
Secret Service
What about “just” copywriting?
I require strategy before for copywriting because I want us to slay.
However…there is one exception.
When a brand has the chutzpah to be so bold, so fierce, so unapologetically unfiltered in their copy, it can be a strategy unto itself.
It takes a rare bird to handle big-agency-style copy.
Think you might be one?
Currently Booking
To make a legend, you have to make a move.
You’re ready enough. Let’s go!