Warriors and Quiet Waters
Two game-changing projects, four years apart.
2018: Finally turn a decade-long storytelling attempt into a legend-worthy brand.
2022: Sensitively launch a new program that called for a major mission change—
and watch revenue grow by a million dollars over the year before.

Brand Strategy
PART ONE: 2018
2018 : The beginning
Brand Strategy
Hangup: A desperate need to delegate
WQW’s founder’s passion swayed supporters for a decade, but bylaws mandated a changing of the guard. Now, the busy Executive Director needed to delegate communications to a fast-growing team—how could she hand off a story that required sensitive handling and still make a big impact?
Fix: A brand guide gave employee the keys
I drew from WQW’s hard-won vision, values, and reputation to build a brand and language guide that spoke to audiences and differentiated it from the hundreds of other organizations in a similar space. That way, the whole team would have a clear template to craft powerful communications—consistently.
Years of focused, fruitful growth
The work gained unanimous, instant approval from stakeholders and the board. Updated materials fleshed out the strong structure of those underlying brand pillars, strengthening what the brand stood for. Solidifying for years, the organization was able to land a major grant to power an evolved mission.
— 2019 —
Doubled the number of programs for women and caregivers
Served a record number of alumni
Developed a three-year strategic plan
Launched the first annual Warriors Taste Fest, landing 500 donor invitees
— 2020 —
Hired new executive director and updated the strategic plan
Cut budget by a third to weather the pandemic—and ending the year in a strong financial position
Created hybrid virtual programming that participants lauded as a success (and set a framework for Part Two!)
Photo: Greyson Johnson
— 2021 —
Committed to a full year of objective third-party evaluation of the programs
Hosted 32% more programs than ever
Built the framework and landed the grant to complete a seismic program overhaul (see Part Two below!)
“Although we’ve worked in our respective industry for 10+ years, Kira was able to synthesize and communicate what exactly we were trying to do in a way we’d never accomplished before.”
Faye Nelson | Executive Director of Warriors and Quiet Waters, 2018

Strategic Launch
PART TWO: 2022
2022 : The pivot point
Strategic Launch
Hangup: A new program so epic it changed the mission
WQW listened to participants, experts, and third-parties: it was time to evolve from a week-long fishing tour to year-long personal development programs, bookended by nature retreats. But this evolution expanded the mission so majorly, it changed the organization. WQW knew it was the right thing to do, but change is always a resistance point. How to make sure stakeholders bought in after a decade+ of steadiness?
Fix: Evoke excitement while preventing concerns
I named the program “Built for More” and wrote a copy bank that emotionally connected readers to its soul, stoking enthusiasm that crowded out doubts. (Although if there were any, I answered those concerns in the bank before they could even be asked.) Warriors landed with a boilerplate deck that translated easily to website and emails.
Photo: Hunter Brumels
A million-dollar launch
Built for More met with resounding success—even garnering attention on Good Morning America. The three minute spot leveraged my copy in the voiceover and brought nationwide attention to WQW. The non-profit added over a million dollars in revenue over the year before (with about half coming from unrestricted giving), while maintaining the same spending.
“Kira’s dedication to understanding "the why" behind each project sets her apart.
She listens carefully and gets it right the first time. I feel so grateful to have collaborated with her and am proud to use her work.”
—Stevie Thieme | Marketing Director of Warriors and Quiet Waters, 2022